
Análisis Softonic

Un juego entretenido para aprender los nombres de los países

احزر اسم الدولة - اسماء العلم is a fun and entertaining game that allows you to learn the names of countries. This game helps you memorize the names of all the countries in the world, their capitals, and familiarize yourself with new flags. You can also seek help from your friends and play with other players.

The gameplay is very simple! All you have to do is correctly spell the name of the country from the available flags in the pictures. Arrange the letters, play for a while, and challenge others. Share your impressions with friends and set high scores. You can play with other players in the challenges section and unlock new levels in the "Level Packs" section. Complete daily missions and tests to earn extra coins. All this and more can be found in the احزر اسم الدولة - اسماء العلم game for all age groups.

In the online battles mode, you can compete with other players in real time. The player who answers 10 questions faster will be rewarded with coins. The game has become more exciting and fun in the online mode. It's the most entertaining online challenge. Can you win these challenges?

Do you think you will be able to identify the flag of any country in the world? Come on, what are you waiting for? Test yourself and share the game with your friends. Download it now!

Note: There is another version available in English, download it now to benefit more:

Guess the Country - Quiz Game

Programa disponible en otros idiomas

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